For a better future tomorrow, today.

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Satellite Research Corporate (SRC) is an Australian based, privately funded research and development company founded in 2010 to solve the problem of space junk removal. SRC has pioneered the development of technologies used to track space junk in low earth orbit. SRC uses high-energy ground based lasers to disintegrate space junk into harmless fragments that fall safely back to earth.

SRC leads the world in technology that can identify and track objects in low earth orbit using conventional satellite tracking stations. Using our unparalleled and accurate tracking data we can predict where and when to fire near-megawatt ground based lasers at space debris to ensure maximum energy absorption and disintegration occurs. Our approach is innovative, cost effective and safe (plus, it is really cool to watch at night).
SRC are tracking over 500,000 low-orbit objects at any one time. Each of these objects travels at over 30,000 kilometres per hour. They represent a major risk to critical satellites and space exploration.
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Low-earth orbit space debris is a major issue for the future of space exploration and deployment of satellites. Each junk object in space effectively becomes a missile that can destroy communication and weather satellites or even pose a risk to astronauts. Over the last century we have placed so much ‘junk’ into space that we have put the future of space exploration and our space explorers at risk. We need to clean up this junk and nothing is easy to do in space.

SRC is researching innovative ways to reduce the space junk problem. We have invented entirely new approaches to track space objects efficiently using traditional satellite communication stations. We have utilised military technologies developed during the cold war for kinetic laser weapons to disintegrate space junk cheaply and efficiently.

The future of space junk removal is looking promising and SRC will persevere to clean up space for the benefit of all mankind.

SRC / For a better future tomorrow, today.